Empyrean Knights
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Legion Rank System

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Legion Rank System Empty Legion Rank System

Post  Admin Fri Oct 15, 2010 1:42 pm

Welcome to the Empyrean Knights one and all. Remember to be respectful to other members. Also, no pornography on the forums, please.
The Legion is broken into Four (4) divisions namely:
Justice: Warriors, Templars and Gladiators
Freedom: Scouts, Assassins and Rangers
Life: Priests, Chanters and Clerics
Illusion: Mages, Spiritmasters and Sorcerers
Each division follows an Archknight, officers who trusted with the task of monitoring and assisting the growth of the members of their school. New recruits are admitted into a school after they have passed the initial 24hours of being a knight. Regardless of rank, All members are considered knights, and of equal value, and thus are to be supported as such in times of need. The 5 Seraphim lord will oversee the main operations of the legion, and for all purposes be as a council, a pillar on which the Knights shall arise in power. The ArchSeraph, is not merely a leader in title, but governs the knights that follow him, and by his blade will fight for each knight that has sworn his or her sword to his service. This is the structure that forms the Empyrean Knights! NB: all ranks above Knights of the order are centurions

The ranks are as follows:

Seraphim Lords

School of Freedom

Archknight of Freedom
Envoy of Freedom
Vassal of Freedom
Baizel's Squire

School of Justice

Archknight of Justice
Warrior of Justice
Vassal of Justice
Nezekan's Squire

School of Life

Archknight of Life
Sage of Life
Vassal of Life
Usthiel's Squire

School of Illusion

Archknight of Illusion
Noble of Illusion
Vassal of Illusion
Kaithreil's Squire

Knights of the Order
New Recruits


Posts : 24
Join date : 2010-10-15


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Legion Rank System Empty Re: Legion Rank System

Post  Kihaku Thu Nov 04, 2010 12:43 pm

Here are the current ranked members:

Light - Brig Gen - Tsuyakeshi
Time - Vice Brig - Lynd
Freedom - Rangers/Assassins - Luminatis
Life - Clerics/Chanters - Tippietoes
Illusion - Sorcerers/Spiritmasters - Eke
Justice - Templars/Gladiators - Chianna

School of Freedom

Archknight of Freedom
Envoy of Freedom
Vassal of Freedom
Baizel's Squire

School of Justice

Archknight of Justice - Okada
Warrior of Justice - Fayted
Vassal of Justice - Mortyy
Nezekan's Squire - Fallengod/Twilliam

School of Life

Archknight of Life - Evaggelia
Sage of Life - Whiteapple
Vassal of Life -
Usthiel's Squire

School of Illusion

Archknight of Illusion - Vallus
Noble of Illusion -
Vassal of Illusion
Kaithreil's Squire

Edit: We also have a special brigade within the legion, temporarily called the lvl 40 ops. [as the cap raises the name will change]. These are characters dedicated to be the capped lvl for the brigade, and have 1 purpose, infiltrate morheim and dominate it fiercely!


Posts : 32
Join date : 2010-10-15
Location : Jamaica

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