Empyrean Knights
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Post  Kihaku Sat Nov 13, 2010 7:15 pm

Well, lemme say welcome back to all our prodigal members Razz and come on back to those still missing! Also congratz to those in the 50-55 bridge [time to get u all geared].

Thanks to everyone that came out since yesterday to fight for Silentra so that we can have access to the [now closed] Beshmundir temple...guess our beating down of the asmos was too much for the server lol. We proved ourselves, even through the lag. And asmos everywhere know our name Very Happy.

We need to do some DP/theo labs runs now, ans wella d do some major gathering to get gear together, bcuz once we get geared the asmos will be reminded why they should fear us Very Happy.

This legion gets more and more awesome each day, and I gotta thank every single one of you for that! Thanx for making it so Very Happy
Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy bounce bounce bounce

Also...need to get some teams together to search ingisson for bosses Smile [and need a FULL guild run,with like 3 parties: 2 temps + clerics and healing chanters in 1 party, DPS with another chanter, and another party of sheer OPness to take down Omega]

Posts : 32
Join date : 2010-10-15
Location : Jamaica

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