Empyrean Knights
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Post  Kihaku Mon Nov 01, 2010 11:47 pm

Hey guys n gals,
As you know our guild's bugged with stuff like a lack of a brigadoon general, the random inability to add members, no legion WH, [and yeah the lack of booting power is ugh].
So I wanna pose two questions:
1 - Do we continue with current guild and see what happens? Or Do we make a new guild with set rules where we learnt from the 1st.

If you vote to make a fresh, suggest a name n we as a guild can vote on it Razz. As for rules, Lynd suggested a few stuff, and others were tossed together from general concerns.
The adding people and helping them get geared then them leaving really sux :S and the total douches in guild is kinda bad for the environment. Solution: a rule like you need to have some1 vouch for you, like a reference thing.
Also, we hafto be proactive, ie help do stuff other than DP lol, this one's from the longest while of people logging in and going DP? then not saying another word till some1 else says DP.
Also, If ever you have quests in Heiron or Reshanta on ingisson [the last isnt much of a choice] go with others, if they cant go right then, swap with them, speed up their task so you wont get ganked by asmos. That way we can safely say we as a guild NEVER fight alone.
Please post your responses and ideas below O,...,O

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Post  Tifanna Tue Nov 02, 2010 2:42 pm

Yes.. with the new changes.. I think we should go now speically since we can get AP from killing fort guards.. and i'll be living there to get ap Smile

We only need a new name or we can just change a letter in this one maybe Empyrean Knightz or just make it all one word EmpyreanKnights

just my thought.. what ideas do you have for a new name ?

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Post  Maiya Tue Nov 02, 2010 2:56 pm

I would say wait maybe max a week or two for a response to Tif's forum post about getting GM help to set a Brig. General. After that, (and seeing how GMs don't seem to be very support helpful), I guess there's no other option but to change.

Having run a guild for two years (and going) on another MMO, requirements are always a must. You'll never know who will leave and who won't, but the reference thing is a good option. However, you can't always base recruitment on references, as a person's social network will only go so far. If you plan on a small guild, references could work, but just be wary of people forming cliques that always do things together and may make others feel left out. Moderate-large guilds may have a harder time building up if you do references. You'll have to let in random people at some point (like me!)

As for keeping people in a guild... Probably the best way is to be active (in both types of things going on and in chat). PvE help, PvP help, random guild events, etc. Not sure how far you'd like to go with guild activities, but in regards to guild events, things like hide-and seek, trivia, PvP tourneys are ones that I did a lot and found people enjoyed.

Names... not sure what you're looking for either. I'm sure Evaggelia, Twilliam and Rothgar won't be happy with me suggesting this one.

Nagare (this is the name of my guild in Perfect World International)
Meaning: Current, like that of a river current or ocean.
Word Origin: Japanese
It is supposed to symbolically represent the ability to change, to adapt, and take on any challenge presented.

And going off of Tif's suggestions. Empyrean may work too. Oracles? I dunno.

If you're looking for a certain guild name that emits a certain feel, then I can give it another try for suggestions.

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Post  Tifanna Tue Nov 02, 2010 3:06 pm

Mortyy and I play(ed) Rappelz .. we had a legion there was named Aggressors ^^ but honestly if we go with something like that.. yeah we need to be more aggressive as a whole (lazy players too) Smile

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Post  Chianna Tue Nov 02, 2010 7:01 pm

Im in favor of starting anew. I'm not happy at the people that came in, got geared up, then left without reason, so I agree 100% that there needs to be some rules on joining.

Some of my thoughts on some rules.

Players that want to join our legion MUST know how to play their class, and understand what skills they have by the time they are lvl 50. I say this because we have alot of people in the legion that are 50-55 that Myself and others have had to actually tell them they have the ability to do somethig. That really drives me up the wall when you level a character to 50/55 and have no understanding at all on how to play your class.

Im not a huge fan of attendance rules myself because I have a career and have things to do, just as others have school/life etc. but if a member is absent for a pre-determinded amount of time without any notice they should be kicked. So a simple forum section could be used so people can post about any lenghty absences.

We need to somewhat enforce class balance in the legion. I say somewhat because I do believe you should play what you enjoy, but lets get realistic, when everyone in the legion is a glad or sorc, we really restrict what we can do together.

ALL members must be registered on our website/forum period. In fact before you are even welcomed as a full member you should be on the site.

We need to start downing world bosses when they are up, specifically the ones in Heiron/Beluslan/abyss, and in the new balaur zones. They drop golds that can help people that dont have full anuhart/taha weapons. This of course relies on us having classes other than glads and sorcs only on.

Ill post more as I think of it.


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Post  Maiya Tue Nov 02, 2010 7:10 pm

Chianna wrote:Players that want to join our legion MUST know how to play their class, and understand what skills they have by the time they are lvl 50. I say this because we have alot of people in the legion that are 50-55 that Myself and others have had to actually tell them they have the ability to do somethig. That really drives me up the wall when you level a character to 50/55 and have no understanding at all on how to play your class.

To be fair, I can understand the reasons for this and reasons for not. Aion Atomix is a private server, but I'm not quite sure the ratio of players that came from retail vs. completely new. I for one am a completely new Aion player (as well as the 3 friends I invited), we didn't play retail due to it being P2P. So learning curve may be a bit steep. Especially on a private server, there are less players than normal and communication may not be the same nor required because one can level fast and dominate old mobs that may have required groups.

I know that I'm still heavily learning about Aion and reading guides here and there. I ask a lot of nubby questions frequently. A person could probably easily get to 50-55 and not have the proper learning experience to know what's good and bad with their class, simply due to the nature of private servers.

I guess the point I'm making overall is that more seasoned players coming to a guild have more expectations and wants to have a pull to stay. Those who come from the start, learn along the way, and build a connection to the guild have more to lose if they leave. As a result, usually they would be less likely to leave.

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Post  Kihaku Tue Nov 02, 2010 7:15 pm

I think you guys are totally right o.o
And yeh I noticed the epic 1 sided DPSness of guild lol. I was contemplating making Kihaku a Pve templar since Tsu's pvp cleric, and to help with the tanking of bosses.
The forum section, imma get to working on that right now o.o As for Chi's point on the knowing your class by 50, tbh I agree. I know we are mostly still learning about our classes but I think by lvl 50 you would have looked at your skills and realize what some of them do. [we had an issue with a sm that didnt know he had a remove debuff skill, or that he had a skill called summon party member], i've met a templar that didntknow what taunt was, and so on. I will gladly help people learn about their class, cuz I wanna learn about them too and learn how to beat em Razz.
We just need a guild name lol. I am a lore-whore kinda and like having my guild name having to do with the lore of the game its in [Empyrean Knights, was from the Empyrean Lords and I even had a lore for guild typed up >.<] So I m partial to a lore-like name. But If you we can all vote on a name it'd be awesome. Need some more suggestions:
Got: Aggressors, Fury, Nagare, Empyrean, Oracle, and Seraphims

Lemme hear your thoughts on those. And also, I m told to put the empyrean knights ranking system under review lol. So, do you also think the seraphim/schools method is a good idea?

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Post  Maiya Tue Nov 02, 2010 7:20 pm

I'll have to review the lore (last time I actually read most of it was probably right before Aion got released retail wise).

As for the ranking system. I think it's just fine if it will be an active factor in the guild. I actually didn't even know we had a ranking system till the other day when Chi mentioned it while we were in Theo Labs. It seems like at the moment it doesn't hold a purpose in the way the guild functions.

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Post  Admin Tue Nov 02, 2010 7:23 pm

It does, but need some reshufflings cuz the initial members be poofed =\


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Post  Chianna Tue Nov 02, 2010 8:56 pm

Maiya wrote:
Chianna wrote:Players that want to join our legion MUST know how to play their class, and understand what skills they have by the time they are lvl 50. I say this because we have alot of people in the legion that are 50-55 that Myself and others have had to actually tell them they have the ability to do somethig. That really drives me up the wall when you level a character to 50/55 and have no understanding at all on how to play your class.

To be fair, I can understand the reasons for this and reasons for not. Aion Atomix is a private server, but I'm not quite sure the ratio of players that came from retail vs. completely new. I for one am a completely new Aion player (as well as the 3 friends I invited), we didn't play retail due to it being P2P. So learning curve may be a bit steep. Especially on a private server, there are less players than normal and communication may not be the same nor required because one can level fast and dominate old mobs that may have required groups.

I know that I'm still heavily learning about Aion and reading guides here and there. I ask a lot of nubby questions frequently. A person could probably easily get to 50-55 and not have the proper learning experience to know what's good and bad with their class, simply due to the nature of private servers.

I guess the point I'm making overall is that more seasoned players coming to a guild have more expectations and wants to have a pull to stay. Those who come from the start, learn along the way, and build a connection to the guild have more to lose if they leave. As a result, usually they would be less likely to leave.

Maiya, I understand your concerns. My point was really more onto the point that its clear that players are not even looking at the skills in their list and reading what they do. Not so much how good you are at using them, weaving, theory crafting, etc.

As Kihaku pointed out, our sm did not even know he had some, rather fantastic skills just sitting in his list.

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Post  Maiya Tue Nov 02, 2010 8:58 pm

Yeah, for that kind of stuff, I agree wholeheartedly. Especially since others were telling him what it was and how to use it. Razz

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Post  Tifanna Wed Nov 03, 2010 10:02 am

Honestly.. some people learn fast they just have to be shown the right way. I do agree to an extent.. and even thought about getting us a vent channel.. but then lies the problem of getting everyone to download ventrilo (better then teamspeak) uses less resources. I'm willing to pay for it.. if we actually use it.

Another thing.. we need people other then the regulars to talk in guild.. it's always the same people talking unless (how I feel) they need help on something and then they talk. I personally when I see a person has left the guild I try to pm them to ask why see if there something that went wrong or what.

I enjoy doing things with the guild (I get bored easy always have).. as Chi said.. everyone no matter what lv needs to start doing things with everyone else .. or they will get bored and leave or say we don't help or blah blah.. I personally won't help after a few times if I only see that person talk when they need help and don't join in our little events.. yea your doing a quest.. but our guild is capping a fort.. geez come help >.<

Another though.. how about Seraphim for a guild name Smile adding to list doesn't help much lol cyclops

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Post  Maiya Wed Nov 03, 2010 1:27 pm

Tifanna wrote:Honestly.. some people learn fast they just have to be shown the right way. I do agree to an extent.. and even thought about getting us a vent channel.. but then lies the problem of getting everyone to download ventrilo (better then teamspeak) uses less resources. I'm willing to pay for it.. if we actually use it.

I actually share a Vent server with a friend/ally of mine on PWI. Our guild on PWI doesn't really use it much, so I could maybe ask my friend if I could set up a new channel or two for us. I could just do it myself because I believe I still have admin rights on it. But up to you guys.

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Post  Mortyy Wed Nov 03, 2010 3:58 pm

Like Tif said, we both played Rappelz together, I sometimes go there and take a quick peek on how my guild-members are doing.. Guildmembers, some of them have even become friends, and that's what I'm looking for in a guild.. The feeling like you belong there.. you know? In Rappelz, before the guild I was in became known as Aggressors, it was called Outsiders.. I have always liked that name...

I do believe that the guild/legion needs some rules as well. However, I think it's impossible to prevent members coming and going, and at some point, when the legion gets too big, it might even be necessary to clean out, if you know what I mean. I like the system with officers, or seraphims, as you call them.

Speaking for myself, I consider myself as an Aion nubcake.. I started playing Aion about two months ago. Tif and me tried a variety of servers, and in the end (like a month ago) we decided to stick to Atomix. I like it that the rates aren't increased to insanity, like on Gamez, where you can get to lvlcap n a day, two days max. This way it does give a player (like me) the chance to learn their class, tho I still have a lot of stuff to learn. Especially pvp.. I was talking to Tif about it the other day, and although I realise that some classes are easier to pvp with, I still believe any class can be succesfull in pvp... it's not about gears, it's the person that knows what he (or she) is doing. I'm trying to read guides, watch vids, and figuring out stuff, but I hate duelling random ppl, or just get out there, and hope to come across some asmo.. Why, you ask? Well, they don't give feedback, so it's hard to learn that way.... at least, for me it is...

So, long story, but I hope you appreciate my two cents...

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Post  Chianna Wed Nov 03, 2010 5:04 pm

Since we are planing to be born anew. I think its only fitting that we call ourselves the Empyrean Lords

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Post  Admin Wed Nov 03, 2010 6:47 pm

Ty for your view guys Razz
[insert a tag note on the name you like]

Also, We cant do empyrean lords, that was my first try, but the server stop us from doing it lol, that or there exist a guild with that name T_T


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Post  Chianna Wed Nov 03, 2010 8:11 pm

ah dang.... back to the drawing board

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Post  Tifanna Thu Nov 04, 2010 2:49 am

What if you make it all one word with caps EmpyreanLords or do the famous z at the end instead of the s.. if you plan on looking for new members.. they are going to see how low the Ap is for the guild and run off when we start new.. lol so if we rebuild we should do soon and rebuild that as well Sad

I guess my biggest complaint is that yeah we have active members.. but they wont come out of their comfort zone and talk wither others and help on pvp, forts, artifacts and such... sadly it's just a group of doing everything together.. would like to see everyone involved a bit more.

oh.. *licks the Aion nub cake and runs off*

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Post  tippietoes Thu Nov 04, 2010 4:20 am



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Post  Kihaku Thu Nov 04, 2010 10:53 am

Now that lynd's woken me up all of 3hours into sleep. Imma remake guild with as similar a name as possible right now. That way the forum can keeps its name >.<

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Post  Tifanna Thu Nov 04, 2010 11:07 am

tippietoes wrote:?

LOL my *lick the nub cake* remark was to mortyy since he called him self a nub cake.. and who doesn't like cake lol

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Post  Kihaku Thu Nov 04, 2010 11:44 am

ahhhh i get it o.o

Edit: Seraphims is made! Just let us know when u are on and join pl0x!

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Post  tippietoes Thu Nov 04, 2010 1:40 pm

How do we know when you are on? Razz


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