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MMO History

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MMO History Empty MMO History

Post  Maiya Mon Oct 25, 2010 12:33 pm

What's your MMO history and did you like the ones you played?

Mine is in order (I think).

1. Runescape
I stopped around level 59 or so and finishing all the free quests. Amazed that to this day they haven't added any new non member quests. This game has a special place in my heart for good memories when I played it with my brother and I still remember the song I used to listen to while playing it. 56k days!

2. ROSE Online
I got to level 50 something before they decided to go P2P and wipe the server. They later changed it back to F2P (-___-). I played this with my brother and we had a lot of in game memories. I think I was a warrior class.

3. FlyFF
Played until level 23 or so and I got bored of the grind. Liked it for the flying aspect. I think I was in a guild called KickAss. I was an Assist class, which I was gonna branch off to a Monk sorta class.

4. Rappelz
Played until level 18 or so early open beta of the game. Got tired of grind / too crowded with too many players. Liked the pet system.

5. Ragnarok Online - VanRO Private Server
Pure anarchy server I got introduced to by my online friend. Played this for a year or so in which it server wiped about 4 times so my brother, cousins, friend and I wound up botting. Could be PKed anywhere except for a few major towns and you would lose EXP. D: Spent 10 hours sitting in the same spot talking to friends once. Lot of major memories. I played a ton of different classes in this game, but my favorite was Assassin Cross and Champion.

6. Guild Wars
Only played part of Nightfall. Got to level 20, couldn't beat a certain quest so I eventually got bored and gave up. Only explored maybe 15-20% of the Nightfall expansion game. I was a Necromancer/Monk I think.

7. Mabinogi
Played until level 18 or so but couldn't continue due to satellite lag. Loved the music instrumental skill.

8. Perfect World International
Friend from a forum I frequented introduced me to it before it started closed beta. Been there for two years and I still play it on and off. I lead a guild there that's been around since October 2008. I got two characters to level 101 (out of 105; the EXP requirement was ridiculous). Love the game, but the devs and GMs sucked badly. I cash shopped a lot, which I regret having done so. My two main characters were a Venomancer (sorta like Spirit Master but we have flying pets too), and an Assassin. I played tanks, clerics, and warriors too.

9. Aion
Only been playing this for a few weeks, but it has been fun so far.

Posts : 37
Join date : 2010-10-21
Age : 33

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MMO History Empty Re: MMO History

Post  Kihaku Mon Oct 25, 2010 9:11 pm

Imma try to give an accurate one:

Played to about level 36 then all my friends weren't as active so i gave up.

In my searching I came across this, and as my longest mmo ]maybe a total of 5-6 years [maybe], i played a bunch of chars with my maximum being lvl 71. over a total of 6 servers.

Guild Wars
3-4 years of gaming has me kinda bored of it, but I loved the people and the GMs were sooooo nice, and I enjoyed arguing against the WoW players Razz

World of Warcraft
Legit play = 1 month...then said screw this I aint paying!
Free servers= I dont remember my 1st pserver but I played 2 made a paladin each time. The next server I played with a friend and made a Druid. Then a friend from Silkroad hosted his own pserver n made me a GM. we had tons of fun with that Very Happy

Beta played with some friends, we made a team with me as the healer [and they lvlled without me lol] so I quitted it and they followed soon after.

Got to level 12 then the graphics raped my brain and I had to quit o.o

Online DOTA! wooooot! played that about a week before I discovered Aion

Played Aion since maybe late August. started with Infinite aion...but the rates were too realistic n grinding was pissing me off so i joined Gamez Aion, but those rates were too high, so I joined Crystal Aion until some stuff happened n a few friends wanted to slit....then I joined Atomix, and am Loving it Razz

There are others too, but cant remember them atm :S

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MMO History Empty Re: MMO History

Post  Mortyy Wed Nov 03, 2010 4:44 pm

such long lists, lol..

have been playing it for 4-5 years, tried lots of different toons, deleted most of them. My highest lvl toon is a 122 Assassin named M0RT4LS1N (Mortyy, the name of my Gladiator, is derived from this name), accompanied by his loyal pet, a Cerberus named DarkFangz. Got somewhat bored, and annoyed by some nubs who only wanna play with high-lvl pets on low-lvl toons so they don't learn to play their class.

Dungeons and Dragons Online
Tried it, liked the graphics, but somehow it wasn't interesting enough to continue playing

Runes of Magic
Tried it, one word: CRAP!!!

Battle of the Immortals
Tried it, not bad, apart from the camera-angles

Need for Speed Most Wanted
Yeah, I know, it's not a RPG, but it does have multi-player option, and well, I love to race, haha
this vid is me, racing NPC's in Need for Speed Carbon, by the way Wink

Started playing about two months ago, really enjoy it, graphics are awesome!! And there's just soooo much to do.. I dun think this will be boring anytime soon...

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MMO History Empty Re: MMO History

Post  Tifanna Thu Nov 04, 2010 2:35 am

Okay lets see.. I blame my gaming history on my ex-husband.. he got me started when we went to wal-mart one night and bought this bunndle pack and a pc version (for him) sooo starts my life on mmos... (not in any special order just as i remember the names)

Final Fantasy XI
My first ever mmo.. I played for a total of about almost 7 yrs.. played for 5 then quit then played again then quit then yet again.
What can I say.. to this day.. i LOVE this game !!! wish my pc could play FF 14.. my son and I (and ex-husband) played every FF out there together until XI ^^.

YUCK played for like a month on retail.. HATED IT !! my ex use to play after he left FFXI. I tried a couple private servers BLAH is all i say.

Guild Wars
Played for some time.. still have it *in my desk drawer* Bought all the packs for it and all add ons..

On and off a bit over a yr i say since Epic 3 came out but like others .. quit cuz i got bored of the grind.

Jade Dynasty
hmm It was ok until you got to a certain point you could "bot" over night with a bot they provided and it was free to bot until a certain lv then you had to have these special items.. got bored fast.

Battle of the Immortals
Played 1 day... uninstalled it.. HATED the camera angle.

Perfect World
Played on both My and Int. and a few private servers.. I love the game.. havent seen any private servers with the new Tideborn class.. would love to try it out. Spent WAYYY too much money on this damn game !!!

Aion (edit)
LOL How could I forget this game.. had to come back and add this one.. I played on retail for almost 7 months then went back to Rappelz and thats when i met mortyy then I kidnapped him and we tried a few private servers till we picked this one like he said in his post.. soo I guess about a yr playing Aion (was released in Sept last year)


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Age : 53
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MMO History Empty Re: MMO History

Post  Illud Mon Nov 08, 2010 5:36 pm

Ultima Online (Best MMO ever)
Play P2P for about 6 years, then went to freeshards. Played a freeshard called Age of Avatars until present. I still visit on occasion, though the activity has dwindled to about 10 active users on at any time.

I played WoW for about two weeks. Didn't care much for it. (You HAD to quest. If you didn't, you would never level in time to spare yourself a beer-belly and three children before you hit the max level)

I literally played this for 3 hours and haven't touched it since.

Dungeons and Dragons Online
My trial period ended and havn't touched it since, but I LOVED it, especially the graphic die rolling. =D Anyone know if there are D&D Freeshards? >.>

Perfect World International
I palyed this until I got to level 10, then stopped. I didn't make any friends. There wasn't anything inherently bad about the game, just couldn't find anyone to socialize with.

I saw this on the shelf in BestBuy when I was buying my computer in August. I saw flight and had to have it. I played P2P for almost 2 months when it dawned on me there might be freeshards. That's how I stumbled upon aion.atomixro.com =D


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Join date : 2010-11-05
Location : Savannah, GA

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